Join our birthday party on Sunday

As the 15th birthday of our Happy House approaches, Papa Dave brings you news of a live Facebook broadcast on Sunday so that you can join in!

This year also marks the 25th anniversary of Mama Sue and Papa Dave’s work in Kenya which all began with a holiday when a last minute change by their tour operator took them to Watamu.

Having helped to develop three schools and founding Children of Watamu charity, they embarked on their Happy House venture in 2007.

The Happy House children’s home opened on March 17, 2010.

This is a landmark year for Children of Watamu and we so wish that Mama Sue was alive to see it.

One thing we do know for sure is that she loved a party!

Without all you great people who support our work none of it would be possible , and we would like to invite you to party with us – wherever in the world you live.

Together We Can Make Difference

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