Limavady ( Northern Ireland ) Help the Happy House

As a result of  Doug Hare, one of the rotary members from Limavady visiting the proposed  development, and informing the local members. The rotary Club of Limavady( A Club with in the frame work of Rotary International) have supported the development of the Happy House.
In making this contribution to completely furnish a bedroom for eight children it was felt that this project reflected the aims of Rotary,in it desire to provide support for  those projects that relieve the suffering of the disadvantaged in these areas.
On a personnel level Doug and his wife Lorna arranged a monthly standing order to pay the wages of Presca one of the Happy House Mums, pictured here with our youngest Happy House child Mwendi. Doug fully understands how important it is to me to create a family atmosphere for the children.

Together We Can Make Difference

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