Can you imagine what it must be like to receive your very first present?
It was a moment of pure magic for Sauma when she was presented with her birthday gifts at Kidz Club.
Until February, when she and four of her siblings were rescued from the worst kind of neglect, she was being looked after by her older sister Mariam, nine.
They were filthy, unschooled and hungry. Every meal was a luxury, they were being given food by kindly neighbours who reported their case, their mother only going back to their shack in a Malindi slum for one or two days at most.
At the Happy House they are all in school, learning fast, well fed, happy and safe.
A close-knit unit, they know they are loved and cherished.
So they were all rejoicing when Sauma was named as this week’s birthday child.
There were cards and gifts from her UK sponsor family… the elephant she is holding in the picture was sent by Myra Boyle’s little grandson Max, who is on his way toward his own fourth birthday!
I was trying to choke back the tears as I watched this gorgeous little girl, still slightly shy, enjoy being centre of attention as the whole family sang and clapped for her, the elder of our family’s two Saumas.
Also taking centre stage and revelling in every moment was our Star of the Week … Harry.
Our miracle baby Harry, 15 months, who, as a very prem newborn, discarded on a rubbish tip, fought so hard to survive is now a strong, healthy almost-toddler!
And it was the efforts he is making to walk that won him the Star of the Week. He is trying so hard and is so determined. He toddles around confidently pushing a baby walker until a palm tree gets in his way. Then he just plonks down on his bottom and waits for someone to steer him round it. He’ll soon be off.
Watch this space and we’ll let you know when he takes his first solo steps.
Like my close friend Mama Sue I feel so proud every time one of our children achieves another milestone. As proud as if they were my own flesh and blood.
How fortunate and privileged we all are to be able to play our part, however small, in helping transform little lives like those of Harry, Sauma and all all their Happy House brothers and