It’s Saturday already and another week at the Happy House has flown by. And what week it has been, our family has now grown to 28 with five new arrivals.
The first was little Pendo – reunited with her older brother Samson and sister Lily. They have been at the Happy House for three weeks, but it has taken until now to establish their relationship with the baby.
With no parents to care, all the children were being brought up by their very elderly grandmother – she was unable to cope with demands of bringing up three young children in abject poverty.
With the paperwork complete, Silas brought Pendo home … and you should have seen the faces of Lily and Samson.
They didn’t know she was coming … and what a wonderful surprise it was. Samson’s little face said it all, now with Pendo there his family was complete again. I wish I could have bottled his expression, so full of love and joy.
Lily is now being a little mum to Pendo, showing her the way we do things at the Happy House. They are just so happy to be reunited. What a delightful trio they are..
It’s moments like this that make the tough times we are having financially pale into insignificance.
Yesterday was the first Happy House pay day, and it was such a relief to have enough money in the bank to meet our wages bill. Our mums and aunties are doing a wonderful job with the children, as is teacher Josephine, and Country Boy Dave has all the outside staff getting ready to plant ready for the rains.
We are trying to get as much planted as we can cut down of food bill and feed the children good homegrown produce – all organically grown.
We are ordering chickens ready to start our own cottage industry, rearing them for meat and eggs. Helen Coward the General Manger at Ocean Sports has already promised us some orders as have other hotels. We are hoping the chicken business will eventually bring in enough money to cover the wages bill for outside staff.
Our staff are our greatest asset, so being able to pay them has to be a major priority.
Thank you so much to everyone, all over the world, who has sent messages of support and encouragement. We know how much you love our kids and care about the Happy House and your kindness means so much. Kind words make such a difference.
We haven’t done a rainy season yet so that will be a new experience!