Oh what a party

Yesterday’s first birthday party was just the happiest day, with the happiest kids.
All 56 Happy House kids were bubbling with excitement from the moment they woke up, eager to get the party started.
The outdoor staff had come in early to start decorating the gates and the banda with fresh flowers and plaited palms, breaking off for church, and then returning to finish a really beautiful job. Sue was delighted to drive up to see the gates decorated with a heart – symbolising the love everyone feels when they come to the Happy House.
The girls’ had new hairstyles for the fashion show and after a morning of excitement, watching DJ Mr Bado set up and practicing their dance moves, the kids had an early lunch of savoury rice (with all the staff getting lunch too) , before showers and getting ready for the show.
We had set out all their outfits in groups and in no time the kids were strutting their stuff, just like catwalk models, in the “backstage” banda, while the guests assembled  in the biggest banda  to wait for the show to begin.
 First on were the babies, all on rocking horses, riding along to nursery songs.  Little Linus refused to leave his horse when their spot was over, so he and horse were pushed to the side where they stayed to watch the rest of the show!
Next it was the beach, looking ahead to when the kids are grown up and back, as business executives, visiting the Happy House. “No I can’t come to Nairobi, I am visiting the Happy house where I grew up, ” says Evans “but I have sent my private jet for you!”
From Evans, Sifa, Janet, Mercy and Maria on the beach to the wedding with bride and groom Rose and Hassan and bridesmaids Favor, Pendo, Mariam and Zawadhi. How lovely they looked.
 Then came the party girls, waving and smiling in fairy costumes. Lily, Salama, Karembo, Jemila, Mwende, Fatuma and Rose then sang ring-a-roses at the top of their voices.
Getting ready for the rains was the next scene, with our farmers off the shamba, siging Hi, ho, hi ho! Fakiri, John, Benedict, Carson, Katana and Mark looked the part in macs and wellies!
Looking ahead to the 2020 Olympics when the Happy house athletes strike gold for Kenya (hula hooping!) Musyoka, Francis, David, Oscar and Suleman showed just how good they are at hula hooping before marching off to Chariots of Fire!
 Then came our catwalk models :Shakila, Hope, Rose, Rukia, Mildred, Lucinda, Jedidah, Jane, Margaret, Mary, Franco, Patrick and Nicholas. The girls looking stunning in their new dresses and the boys, super cool.
The audience loved every minute, clapping and cheering. It was so good that after a break for cake and juice, the kids came back for an action replay to the delight of everyone.
Team leaders Janet and Evans presented Sue and Dave with a card from all the Happy House family.
Mr Bado’s acrobats then entertained the kids to some incredible stunts … which Sue is hoping the kids are not going to try copying, until there’s  a nice soft landing in place!
The day finished up with dancing, everyone joining in, while some of the guests were shown round the building and the nursery school.
It was a fabulous, fun filled day. How far we have come in a year and now, thanks to Sue, these kids who were living in such terrible circumstances,  have love, opportunity and hope … and the kind of worry-free childhood every child deserves.


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