Picture perfect
Trustee Elizabeth Gomm writes: Anyone who has been to visit the Happy House will recognise the silhouettes in this picture … they are just like some of our kids. John, Oscar, Mwende, Janet, Sifa and Musyoka are all there, against an African evening sky.
What a coincidence that Kamango, a local artist, should, unintentionally, have created such an appropriate and beautiful piece of art to take pride of place in the room which is the hub of our children’s home.
Sue had seen the painting outside the artist’s studio and loved it. So it was my pleasure to buy it using the money given to me by friends, to be spent on Happy House, when I left The Gazette + a little bit extra. Sue is delighted and children, staff and visitors love it as much as she does.
Thank you to my friends for helping me to give something so special, and so permanent, to enhance the lives of everyone who sees it.