A power cut at the Happy House has been causing a real and costly headache, writes Elizabeth Gomm.
Everyone here is quite used to being without electricity, many, many people live without it, but at the Happy House we are reliant on it to pump the water and to give us light, as well as running the fridges , freezers, office equipment etc.
So when it became clear that a this loss of power was far from run of the mill, Sue and her team were on the case straight away.
The secondhand generator refused to work (it’s never been the same since it was recovered after being stolen) and was declared beyond repair. In temperatures way up in the 30s everything was in danger of meltdown.. The biggest worry was the potential health hazard of not being able to pump water, which meant the toilets couldn’t be flushed.
Normally and emergency team from the power company would work to restore things to normal, but everyone is on strike and the offices locked up!
The meat in the freezers was thawing, so a massive cook-in on the open fire, gas stove and at Sue’s home ensured as much as possible would be cooked and used.
Sue had no alternative but to order a new generator and her right-hand man Isaac negotiated a deal whereby a local firm loaned the Happy House a temporary generator until the new one arrived.
That happened , the new one is now installed, and everything is running smoothly – it just leaves Sue with another unexpected bill of £650!
Snails’ race home
A big thank-you to Scott and Laura Webster of Wootton Bassett for organising a very successful snail racing night which raised more than £900 for the Happy House, and to all those who supported it. Scott and Laura arrive in Watamu at the weekend. We wish you a safe flight and are thrilled you are going to be with us for our first birthday party.
Goodbye Brenda and Red
Brenda and Red Groves leave Watamu today to go back home to Wantage. They arrived two weeks ago with so many things they had collected for our kids. They both do so much to support the Happy House and have been fantastic supporters of the charity almost since it began. We’ll miss you both and hope it won’t be too long before you come back to see us again.
Miles better
Baby Brian is now miles better after a very nasty bout of pneumonia and several days in hospital. He is now back with his brothers and sisters and his own smiley and playful self again. Thank you to everyone who sent him their love, prayers and more.