
Rains find roof flaws

The arrival of the long-awaited rains are a blessing to the parched earth of Kenya,

They bring the crops to life, fill the waterholes and rivers and bring welcome relief from the unrelenting heat.

At Happy House, the torrential rain has revealed weak spots in some of our makuti thatched roofing roofing.

It’s been raining into some of the bedrooms and roofing on the bandas also needs repair. 

As Rukia tells us in the video, the skilled makuti thatchers are at work carrying out the repairs which will cost a total of around £400. 

They have to be done as an emergency and an expense that has to be met. If anyone would like to help by making a donation we would be so grateful any amount, however small, would be very much appreciated. 

A plus for the community is that the makuti, which is woven palm, is made locally and that it is local tradesmen who are doing the work. 

If you would like to make a donation towards the repairs please go to https://www.justgiving.com/childrenofwatamu/Donate 

Thank you to everyone who follows and supports the work of our amazing family at the Happy House.

Together We Can Make Difference

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