Our Auntie Rose will be home from her honeymoon today and will be coming straight to the Happy House where we are having a family party top welcome her husband Fred into our family.
Thursday was a day of preparation, the adults and kids have all been busy making sure this will be a day to remember.
And that means putting up the decorations . The gardeners are plaiting palm arches but refusing to let anyone know what they are planning. So it will be a complete surprise for us all when we get there early this morning.
The kids are helping, A whole gang of them were eager to help turn plastic bottles into vases with a palm, ribbon and bit of ingenuity. They soon got the hang of it and will gather flowers and greenery to fill them.
Auntie Lynn, Brenda Groves and Lucy have been working like trojans, Coral and Kelsey have been with the teachers rehearsing the kids nativity. Whatever has been going on there have been children eagerly helping.
Papa Dave went wading through puddles to do the shopping during a morning or torrential rain in Malindi and Mama Sue has been here, there and everywhere … using her considerable organisational skills to ensure nothing is missed, whilst also juggling with the day to day business of running the Happy House. She really is a wonderwoman!
We are making an early start this morning, and hopefully there will be time to go home for a quick shower and to change, before the party starts at 2pm.
It’s going to be a lovely day for our lovely Rose, Fred and all our family.