Running errands

How and when to give a child more independence is always a dilemma for parents.
So spare a thought for Sue with 55 kids in her brood.
But as protective as she might feel, she knows that the older children must be given the freedom to taste life outside the Happy House for themselves.
They’ve been making their own way to and from school, either on foot or by bike, for some time now, and to church at weekends. But they had not been shopping.
So Sue decided it was high time they were given the chance to go to the shops (not anything quite like popping to the newsagent or corner shop here)  and gave the boys money to get credit for the Happy House mobile phones and the girls a list of items from the market, plus a little extra to treat themselves.
How excited they were!
 Lucinda, Mercy, Jane, Jedida, Maria, Margaret and Janet went to the market and came back armed with shopping, receipts and change while Evans and Sifa were thrilled to be trusted with shopping for the phone credit.
Sue says: “They came back their faces bright and shining at being sent out alone.”
But I guess , like any caring mum, Sue will have had one eye on the gate from the time they left until the moment they arrived safely back home!

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