Sandra Foulkes from Singleton Primary School

We were delighted to welcome Sandra Foulkes her husband Derek and their friend Debbie Mullett to the Happy House today.
Sandra is the Head Mistress at Singleton Primary School near Blackpool. The school under Sandras guidance has been a great support to our work, sponsoring children raising funds and supplying  resources. It was great for Sandra to see for herself how the funds had been spent. All three were very moved by what they saw at the Happy House, Happy Healthy Kids.
I am here receiving £40 from Sandra a donation from Philip Edmondson a pupil at Singleton. Philip raised the money by washing cars and helping around the house. Well Done Phillip.
 Sandra bought a lot of knitted hats for the children, which were a great hit, plus football shirts. Debbie brought sweets and many stationary items.

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