Santa came to call

Santa, the REAL Santa, parked his sleigh in the bush and walked in the heat to make a very special delivery to our Happy House kids,
All adamant that Papa Dave doubled as Santa they were says Mama Sue dumbfounded when Santa arrived, with Papa Dave right behind him.
” Especially Oscar. He was just stunned!
“He kept looking at Santa like a rabbit caught in the headlights, we left his present till the last, he kept looking and looking, when his name was called he was rooted to the spot.
“We asked later: Now do you believe in Santa? He does!” 
Mama Sue,  one of Santa’s little helpers with Aunties Lynn and Coral, added: 
“It was just lovely, the kidz all had new clothes and another present, they were thrilled.
” I loved it when little ones kept coming for their bag opening or a box with a doll in, it was a lovely, laughing, loving family together.”
Mistletoe is not something you’ll find in Kenya, but, who needs an excuse and, yes, Santa was caught sneaking a seasonal kiss from Mama!
When Santa finally departed to continue his round-the-world duties, he left bbehind very excited and happy children who spent the rest of the day enjoying trying their new clothes and gifts, a special meal of sausages and mash followed by tropical fruit salad, and playing games.
A very, very happy day.

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