Yesterday we had to take all our children to Malindi Magistrates Court. The Childrens Officer Nancy, and Billy our Social Worker had arranged for all the Commital orders to be applied for. We had to appear in court at 10am, the Magistrate read all the details on how and why the children were living at the Happy House.She then called the name of each child. The bigger ones put up their hands, the little ones waved, to say ‘Here I am’ Each of us that were holding babies held them up as their names were called. Dave & I looked at each across the Court Room and wondered how has this happened to us. Here we are in the middle of Africa stood in a court room taking total responsibilty for 36 children. It was so emotional, when the Magistrate said that the papers would all be signed and the children would be in the care of Sue Haywards Happy House, Watamu. She commented on how happy the children looked and she could tell that they were all well cared for. We all felt so proud. The children are now legally ours.
Thank you to everyone who has helped and supported us to be able to love and care for these children, the first of many that will pass through the doors of the Happy House over the next 99 years and beyond.