
So many reasons to be thankful

Brian goes up in the world.

There were parcels stacked up and waiting on our first post-Christmas call at Watamu Post Office.

You have all been just so wonderfully generous in sending so many beautiful items for our children in the months and weeks leading up to the festive season. Sadly, not all arrived by Christmas eve.
All our children received lovely gifts, sent by you and delivered by Santa, that Mama feels to give them more now would be just too much.
Instead we will be keeping them in store ready for birthdays etc over the year which will make sure that we always have something when needed.
Karembo takes delivery

It’s been impossible to send out pictures and a thank-you to everyone individually at this time of year when the volume received is so high, and everyone so busy,  but you know how very grateful we are to everyone who sent parcels, or who added to their child’s savings account, for Christmas.

Our family is so very lucky to have such amazing friends and we truly love you for it.
From the bottom of our hearts,   Mama. Papa and children 

Together We Can Make Difference

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