
Thanks for Caring

Dorothy & George Barr are two of the nicest people I have ever met.
 They have sponsored Martin one of the boys at school for a number of years. Silas was delighted to meet them during his trip  to the UK.
Dorothy is now also supporting the Happy House Kids by buying items that will be needed when we open in January. Nappies, Baby Wipes etc. I am thrilled to say that Dorothy, who is 83 years old, will be travelling to Watamu in March 2010 with her niece Beverly and family, who also sponsor at school and the Happy House, to be at  the official opening of the  Happy House on March the 17th 2010.
 Elizabeth Gomm a journalist from the Blackpool Gazette who is a terrific support to me personally,and our work in so many ways and Brenda Groves a very active and caring sponsor have also added a Happy House Kid to their weekly shopping list. Can you??
You can also follow Elizabeth’s blog by logging onto www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk and clicking on the Eve in Africa Appeal logo on the left had side of the screen.

Together We Can Make Difference

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