
Thanks from Mama

You, our loyal and loving Happy House friends, are wonderfully kind to our family.You make it possible for our children to have lovely clothes and shoes, the best possible care and education, and treats to!During this long and difficult time clouded by Covid19, you have continued to send the kindest messages of encouragement and hope, donations towards unforeseen repairs and for for items we have needed to replace.Donations are also coming in for the televisions we want to add to our classrooms once school opens again, so we can continue with e-learning we have found so successful in our home schooling.And to our children’s delight, some of our friends have sent donations for treats – usually something sweet and healthy, distributed at Kidz Club!By way of thanks we are bringing you, over the next few days, some songs by our children. We hope you will look out for your sponsor child, and enjoy their happy voices.

Together We Can Make Difference

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