The happiest day

Confetti rained down on our newlyweds Rose and Fred as  they arrived back at the Happy House  to the biggest welcoming “home” party of their lives.
From first thing everyone had worked their socks off in a real team effort to get everything ready – the dining room beautifully laid, food prepared, entertainment  and games organised … nothing was missed.
Kids,mums, gardeners, volunteers, friends, teachers, Mama and Papa worked happily alongside one another singing and laughing as they worked.
By the time Rose and Fred arrived the scene was set and we were all changed into our party clothes,
Our children so smart and pretty in the new outfits they’d worn for the wedding. We had gathered just inside the gates and as the car bringing them drove through the gates , the crowd roared!
Shouting, cheering, singing, kids jumping up and down with excitement, it was the happiest scene and could have left Fred in no doubt that he had married into a family quite unlike any other!
A bloodline is not important in this family, Mama, Papa, children, staff, friends from around the world …we are united by the greatest force there is, love.
Sue stepped forward to greet Rose, who she loves so dearly, and then on to Fred to welcome him to our number.
How happy they looked, relaxed and radiant after the honeymoon in Mombasa.
First on the programme  in the shade of the banda was a brief but very warm welcome from Sue and then the entertainment – the children’s nativity play, so well rehearsed by the teachers and volunteer Coral, then a staff  and volunteer choir, led by Coral, which was followed by African songs and dancing by enthusiastic staff.
The afternoon was packed with activity, traditional dance by our older children, a mind boggling magician, a talented local team of acrobats and plenty of dancing to Bado’s disco, plus a display by his very hip dancers who got our kids joining in.
Everyone loves a party, and all the planning paid off to make it the most perfect day. Rose and Fred joined in everything, they sang the love song they had performed at their wedding and made lovely speeches of thanks.
By six, the party was coming to an end, the happy couple waved off by Mama and Papa and their now tired, sticky and dusty kids.
The babies were on the way to the nursery to be bathed and the clear-up operation underway.
It was an afternoon that will live on in the memory of us all – a magical, unforgettable family gathering for our newlyweds, and our kids,will tell their own children about one day.

Together We Can Make Difference

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