These are some of the latest pictures of the Happy House. All the doors and windows are in, most of the floors are laid, the roof is ready to go on. The kitchen is being built.It is so exciting!!
I am determined to open in January 2010 come hell or high water. We still need more money, but I suppose we always will with so much to do for so many children. Many people have been kind enough to sponsor one of the future Happy House Kids, at the moment that money is a tremendous help in helping to to finish and furnish, but we need so much more.
During my recent visit with Elizabeth Gomm from the Blackpool Gazette Newspaper she saw for herself the children who are sleeping rough and begging for food or a few shillings just to survive.Some days it was raining very heavy and the children were hiding in the undergrowth just to try and keep dry. This is 2009 how can this is happening?? We must open the Happy House and give these children a chance of survival. Please help me ……