Time for home

I love writing the blog it brings sunshine and smiles into my life almost every day.
I tell it as it is here at the Happy House, good news and, on occasions, bad news too.
It mirrors life in our family and, as we all know, that cannot be a bubble of perfect joy. Often there are problems, heartbreaking stories of the terrible conditions from which new arrivals have been rescued, and tragedy of loss too.
We want you to share in everything with us because YOU are our family too.
Today, this is coming from Mombasa Airport which is just waking up to a new day… no comparison with writing the blog from my “office” at the Happy House which has been such a pleasure, specially when I get willing helpers.
Pendo clambers up on to my lap to check what I’m doing and others crowd round too.
It may take longer, and require more than one spellcheck, but we get there in the end.
As I fly back to the UK, how I am going to miss them all. I have been missing them from the moment they waved goodbye.
But they are always in my heart and mind and bond with these beautiful little people, who play such a huge part in my life, wherever I am, will see me through until I return, much sooner than I had planned, for Rose’s wedding at the end of next month.
Kwaheri, my Kenyan family. See you again soon!

Together We Can Make Difference

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