Time to rejoice

There’s great cause for rejoicing for Sue, Dave and the family – baby David has been given a clean bill of health.
A premature baby, he was abandoned by his mother shortly after birth and as she was known to be HIV Positive there has always been a niggling worry that David may be too, but as he had never been breast-fed we were able to keep an optimistic outlook.
Now, after weeks of waiting, the news we all wanted to hear has arrived … our adorable David is in the clear.
A very relieved social worker, Uncle Billy, says: “At last we got a clearance from the hospital for our one and only David Hayward!
“For weeks on end we’ve been waiting for his PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test findings with bated breath.
“This is a test  offspring of all sero-exposed mothers are subjected to.
“David has shown negative so he now he can happily do away with the daily septrin and nevirapine dosages.
” Party time again! “

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