It has been a real pleasure to have Terry & Wendy Burns and their family here in Watamu, along with their good friend Laurence Embler
Terry, Political Officer for the Union Unite in the North West region, is also the founder of the charity Furniture for Education Worldwide which sends furniture that is being replaced in Lancashire schools out to the poorest areas of the world.
Terry has shipped two containers here full of tables, chairs shelves, cupboards and much more.
It would have been such a waste if they had ended up in landfill, when we can put them to very good use at the school and the Happy House. Now every child at school has a desk of their own instead of sharing, and the Happy House has desks and chairs for the banda classroom, plus all we needed for the dining room plus book shelves for the early learning area.
Terry’s team caused a great deal of excitement when they called into school to meet the children with Unite T shirts for everyone there plus more for the Happy House Kids.
Laurence a keen cook baked oat biscuits, showing our cook how to do it. He purchased all the ingredients needed, it was just like Masterchef! The results went down a treat with the kids.
Thank you all for being so much help, we wish you all safe journey home.