Vital Vitmains

It was lovely to see everyone during our trip to England, but we were so pleased to get back ‘home’ to the children. We came to the Happy House direct from the airport the kids were shouting and waving, it was such a fantastic welcome. Thank you to everyone who made the charity night such a great success. With some of the money raised I have bought two much needed washing machines, they are just operational today but we can see what a big difference they are going to make to the working day and night.
Things seemed to have changed in just two weeks. Steve is now walking, but Charity is still having none of it! The children have started on the vitamins, so we are now looking for improvements in their general well being, such a skin hair and nails. The wall has grown, by today, two sides will be complete.
The work for the new Nursery School we intend to open upstairs in January is moving on well, and really coming together, I have just had a call to say the container that has been sent by Terry Burns and his organisation Furniture for Education should be here by 4pm today, but I have learnt not to hold by breath waiting
This  lunch time everyone is getting ready to go to a local restaurant that are going to cook chips for us all. The children are so excited it is the first time anyone has been in a restaurant. I wish post the pictures tomorrow

Together We Can Make Difference

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