Just imagine what it’s like to run a family home for 50 children without any electricity. ,Many people in Kenya are used to being without electricity, indeed they live without it, but at the Happy House it is vital. ,We need it to pump our water and to give us light, as well as for running the fridges , freezers, laundry, office equipment, internet connection and, crucially , for the security of our home. ,Power cuts are part and parcel of life they are so frequent we have adjusted to living with them by always have a secondary source of emergency power, a generator. ,Now the generator we have has come to the end of it’s useful life and we are desperate to to buy a new one before the rainy season sets in in the next month or so. ,The rains cause havoc with power supplies as overhead power cables are badly affected and loss of power can last for many hours, sometimes days. So today, on out 12th anniversary, we are launching an a Birthday Appeal to raise £1600 towards a new generator. ,It will cost much more but our appeal has already been kickstarted by a generous donation from a nine-year-old fundraiser, Natalie Gallagher. Natalie launched her own JustGiving fundraiser to help us get our bus appeal and her friends and family were so generous she’s raised £1,700 which meant there’s more than £1,000 left to give us a real start with our birthday appeal ,We are planning to buy a Honda generator, made in Japan, that will be far better than the failing one we have which was made in China. The new one will automatic, which means it will kick on and off as soon as the power fails or returns. That will be a huge benefit to the house aunties working through the night as when the power fails they are nervous of switching it on . ,It will also mean that work can continue, our duty staff work day or night shifts, so they have household tasks, many requiring power, to get on with at all times. ,Security will not be compromised either as we have electrict fencing all around the perimeter walll. We really hope that you, our wonderful friends, will help us to raise the £1600 to help us reach our goal. ,We are deeply grateful to Natalie for giving us such a wonderful start, what a shining star she is in these times when there is so much darkness the world. ,But we know how much kindness there is, how many others there are like Natalie who have big hearts and want to help others. ,Everything we do is because of you and because of the love you have for our Happy House family. ,Everything we do for our children is powered by love – the love that was the driving force of our late founder, Mama Sue. ,For this reason there can only be one name for this particular emergency campaign – the Happy House Power of Love Appeal. ,Donations can be made through PayPal at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/childrenofwatamu or via JustGiving- https://www.justgiving.com/childrenofwatamu/Donate . Please reference your donation Power of love Any amount, however small, will count and hope you will rally to our call. Our love and thanks to you.