What a lot we got!

Our Happy House kids will be bouncing with health thanks to a Blackpool shop, writes Elizabeth Gomm.

Kathy Goodlad, proprietor of health store Bowland and Harret, Topping Street, who is in the sponsor families of David and Rukia,  took Sue’s appeal for multi-vitamins to heart and phoned around her suppliers to see if they would help.

And their response has been magnificent.  As you can see, Kathy now has hundreds of packs of children’s vitamins ready and waiting to go out to our kids.

So we are asking anyone who is planning a visit to the Happy House in the next year to take as many as they can with them. We will have a collection point at the charity night on November 14, so you can pick some up then, otherwise you can contact me by emailing elizabethgomm@childrenofwatamu.net

Most of the children who come home to the Happy House have medical problems and have been exisiting on very little nourishing food. Sue is finding that vitamins really give them a boost and would like them all to have a daily dose.

Earlier this year when Sue was told my little sponsor child Pendo (pictured) had a mild case of rickets I got the right vitamins for her, and now she has been given a clean bill of health.

Being able to help her have a strong skeleton, thus preventing all the problems that go with weak bones, is one of the best things I have ever done.

So a huge thank you to Kathy, who is also collecting in prizes for the charity night,  and her kindhearted suppliers for their very generous donations.

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