Wish you were here!

The holiday season is beginning and postcards are arriving for our kids from special friends – the people in their sponsor families.
How wonderful it is for our children to know that, wherever their sponsors may be, their Happy House child is never far from their thoughts.
There was great excitement for David and Lucinda when they received colourful postcards .
David’s card came from Torquay where Carol Baxter was enjoying a  break.
How thrilled he was to hear all about her holiday and how the lovely weather had meant she could enjoy plenty of walks! He’s already emailed , with Uncle Billy’s help, to thank her, telling her what he is getting up to these school holidays.
Lucinda’s postcard was sent by Patricia Spurling who was visiting London and showed her many of the capital’s most famous landmarks. She going to keep it safe in her memory box along with her other treasures. 
Again Lucinda has emailed to say thank-you and to tell Tricia how she is learning to ride a bicycle so that she will be able to cycle to school when the new term begins in May.
By setting up a family of sponsors for each of our children we had hoped to create a unique and special bond and that is now what is happening, as sponsors get to know their child and also to make friends with the other members of his or her family.
Our aim is to give each of our children a sponsor family of five people, ensuring that amongst the five there will always be some who want to write and, if they are really lucky, to visit, but we still have a long way to go to reach our target number.
In giving a child, who has come from nothing and who may have no, or few, blood relatives,  a family beyond the Happy House we open a window on a wider world and let them know that others, in another land, care and love them too.
If you would like to sponsor a Happy House child, please download the sponsor form, or contact Sue or Elizabeth for details.

Together We Can Make Difference

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