To our Happy House young farmers group our greenhouses are also a classroom.
It is there that they learn the horticultural skills need to grow their own food and to maximise the yield they get from the seeds they plant.
And they are keen to join in our appeal to raise £3250 to refurbish five of our greenhouses.
Because they live in our family they know that growing fresh vegetables helps to to put the the meals they enjoy on the tables at home and in school.
Our gardening staff share their knowledge and encourage our young people in the tasks they undertake.
Agriculture is part of the compulsory syllabus in Kenyan lower secondary school, so once again our greenhouses have a part to play.
The children to learn how to plants seeds, grow on crops and then harvest them. They can then use their own produce to learn domestic science and self-sustainability.
Our greenhouses were specially developed for small farmers in Africa to provide shade, ventilation, pest protection and irrigation. It will cost £650 per greenhouse to refurbish each one.
We are grateful to everyone who has donated so far, but we still have a very long way to go to reach our target.
Any donation, no matter how small, will help. You can make a donation through PayPal but please mark your payment “Greenhouses” so that we can be sure that is just where the money will go. * if you would like to make a donation another way or require any further information please email our voluntary UK coordinator, Elizabeth Gomm,
Thank you for helping us to grow a greener tomorrow for our children.